Maiden Voyage…Ready, Set, Go!

Our first real “test drive” of the RV is this weekend.  In the weeks leading up to this we have spent quite a bit of time preparing the RV.  Everything from re-sealing the roof & de-winterizing to deep cleaning & decorating.  Here’s a short list of the activities:

  • Re-seal the roof
  • Lubricate the slide-outs
  • De-winterize the plumbing
  • Sanitize the fresh water tank
  • Deep clean the RV
  • Decorate the RV
  • Prepare a packing list
  • Assemble a tool kit
  • Replace rear tires
  • Replace 4 WD lockouts in truck
  • Eliminate odor in bath 2’s black tank
  • And many other odds and ends

It’s been challenging finding time to spend working on getting the RV ready between all the other priorities of life.  Aside from the normal things of raising four kids, homeschooling, and my job, we’ve also been busy keeping up with the yard in the midst of the busy spring growing season, Charity had a Pampered Chef party, we participated in a garage sale, and had a work day at our church.  Since I’m one of the trustees, it was more than just showing up to work on Saturday.

Our goal for this maiden voyage is to gain a little experience with the entire process before we go for our large summer trip to British Columbia.  Hopefully we will get a feel for how it pulls on the highway, getting in and out of a campground, dumping the tanks, etc.  I’m anxious to try out my setup & breakdown steps to see how well that works.  We might even get in a little R&R, do some hiking and hang out around camp:-).  Looking forward to the total experience.

Ready or not here we go!